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27 July 2024 08:24

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Laithwaite demo
Where can I find a video of Laithwaite demonstrating a gyro made up from small spherical weights at the end of spokes?
Asked on 1 September 2023 by Frank Grimer
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An experiment
This is an interesting experiment that anyone can do using a telco gyroscope and a platform. My platform was a shoe box led with about a 2” wide strip down the center cut out and removed. If you place ...
Asked on 30 June 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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liquid gyroscopes
Hello, you are always interesting. Of the several types of gyroscopes I had, two were made of green see-through plastic. they were donut shaped with the inside filled with water, and housed insid ...
Asked on 1 June 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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Gyro kinetic thruster
Have you ever seen a Gyro kinetic thruster?
Asked on 26 March 2023 by Tom Wlazlak
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Just keeping in Touch
Hi to all shed dwellers Just posted a reply to Harald, so whilst I am here!! My previous post .asp?id=3028 20th Aug 2020 how time flies. Was a bust. I went on to send emails to addresses o ...
Asked on 22 February 2023 by Brian Morris
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Excuse me, Harold. You are correct. There are multiple ways to conceive the conditions you offered and you are right; ---- a force put into motion becomes momentum. As you explained momentum is transf ...
Asked on 6 January 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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Excuse me, Harold. You are correct. There are multiple ways to conceive the conditions you offered and you are right; ---- a force put into motion becomes momentum. As you explained momentum is transf ...
Asked on 6 January 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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Excuse me, Harold. You are correct. There are multiple ways to conceive the conditions you offered and you are right; ---- a force put into motion becomes momentum. As you explained momentum is transf ...
Asked on 6 January 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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Excuse me, Harold. You are correct. There are multiple ways to conceive the conditions you offered and you are right; ---- a force put into motion becomes momentum. As you explained momentum is transf ...
Asked on 6 January 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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Excuse me, Harold. You are correct. There are multiple ways to conceive the conditions you offered and you are right; ---- a force put into motion becomes momentum. As you explained momentum is transf ...
Asked on 6 January 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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Harold, excuse me. You are correct. There are multiple ways to conceive the conditions you offered but still; ---- a force put into motion becomes momentum. As you explained momentum is transferred in ...
Asked on 4 January 2023 by Glenn Hawkins
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Gyro Follow up system
Hello I wonder if anyone could help me with the following question (or point me in the right direction?) "Explain the purpose and operation of the gyro 'follow up' system" Thanks in adv ...
Asked on 18 April 2022 by Joanne
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Maximum Rpm for a gyroscope
I am building a gyroscope with a brass disc 20 cm in diameter and 4 cm thick. Can someone tell me the maximum safe rpm or at what speed it will come apart. Thanks, Giorgio Toro
Asked on 20 January 2022 by giorgio toro
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Gyroscope calibration
This is my first time using the gyroscope to measure angular velocity so I don't have much experience in gyro calibration. When using my gyro, I found its error to be quite large. I understand that, d ...
Asked on 14 January 2022 by Namcrazy
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Sperry 19755-0
Can anyone help with and data , manuals etc regarding Sperry Gyroscope 19755-0
Asked on 28 November 2021 by Sandum
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im being deleted. so, do i have perpetual motion or not.
Asked on 25 June 2021 by dave brown
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what is this site about...
Quote: . . . Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 07/05/2021 20:56:53 Hello Sandy. I believe you figured out Fisher, Gardner, and maybe other nasty antagonists who visit are the same. I suspe ...
Asked on 10 May 2021 by dave brown
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It might be possible to produce inertial propulsion with the use of rotation of any kind affected by electromagnet pulsations. I watch Nova about the ‘Magnetic Monster’ from neutron-star collisions an ...
Asked on 29 April 2021 by Glenn Hawkins
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For Sandy, As discovered from his structure of words, he is crazy, and in his last posts to you, we can see the full extent of actual insanity. He jumps from subject to subject without connection ...
Asked on 28 April 2021 by Glenn Hawkins
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For Sandy, As discovered from his structure of words, he is crazy, and in his last posts to you, we can see the full extent of actual insanity. He jumps from subject to subject without connection ...
Asked on 28 April 2021 by Glenn Hawkins
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Sandy Kidds Visitor
In his book, Beyond 2000, he claims that he was visited by royalty ... but was apparently sworn to secrecy. Would he care to break his oath now? Has he let slip to others who that visitor was? Would t ...
Asked on 24 April 2021 by Gardner Martin
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, With the new military and governmental releases of information, proof, and admittance of the existence of UFO’s we finally believe in them. Before today, I never did. The most astounding offi ...
Asked on 16 April 2021 by Glenn Hawkins
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With the new military and governmental releases of information, proof, and admittance of the existence of UFO’s we are finally to believe in them. Before today, I never did. The most astoundin ...
Asked on 16 April 2021 by Glenn Hawkins
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Anything new?
Hi guys, my favorite quackeries place :) Quick reminder on y device :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZP_ZbnGA9I Just wondering if Sandy Kidd made anything new? Does anyone agrees th ...
Asked on 7 February 2021 by kristijan
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Anything new?
Hi guys, my favorite quackeries place :) Quick reminder on y device :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZP_ZbnGA9I Just wondering if Sandy Kidd made anything new? Does anyone agrees th ...
Asked on 7 February 2021 by kristijan
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Did Sandy do anything new?
Hi guys, my favorite quackeries place :) Quick reminder on y device :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZP_ZbnGA9I Just wondering if Sandy Kidd made anything new? Does anyone agrees th ...
Asked on 7 February 2021 by kristijan
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Inertial propulsion
I have considered an interesting postulation regarding gyro propulsion. Professor Laithwaite lifts the base of his 40-pound wheel two feet vertically with forced precession using apparently less li ...
Asked on 30 January 2021 by Glenn Hawkins
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Time and precession You may have wondered as I once did, how long can precession last. Consider that if a super gyro could and was rotating at 100,000 Rpms. Further, assume that its pivot was suppor ...
Asked on 25 January 2021 by Glenn Hawkins
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minimum speed to precess force
Does anyone know what the minimum speed of a gyro to make it so a force at 0deg will yield a movement at 90deg... or even better, what the angle is wrt speed... see http://www.copters.com/aero/gyro.ht ...
Asked on 27 December 2020 by rich engle
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keeping to the known facts
Dear Nate, Re yours of 17th Aug 2020 I got the Kindle version ‘cos it’s cheap (you can take the scot out of Scotland but you cannot ..... Ask Sandy!) and unless the hard back copy has drawin ...
Asked on 25 August 2020 by Nitro
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Dark Motion
https://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=80399.0 I have posted on my great and fantastic idea to change the world. Look here to see how that works out. Would have posted here ...
Asked on 23 August 2020 by Brian Morris
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Measuring forced precession inertia
This experiment in here is the Holy Grail i gyroscopic propulsion...and this guy is ruining it down to the pulp.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nVVOhIWMPQ&t=505s You are suppose to meas ...
Asked on 7 March 2020 by kristijan
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Interesting video and implication
This is the experiment that needs to be done more precisely. The author of this video is forcing a precession on the gyro when it is spinning out and is losing his energy and momentum. You nee 2 measu ...
Asked on 3 March 2020 by kristijan
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Glenn Hawkins Subject: Special mechanics of the gyroscope Question: UNDERSTANDING THE GYROSCOPE An improved study Introduction I was surprised to learn that there are those among us who ...
Asked on 16 January 2020 by Glenn Hawkins
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Special mechanics of the gyroscope
UNDERSTANDING THE GYROSCOPE An improved study Introduction I was surprised to learn that there are those among us who believe that math guides mechanical action. It is the other way around. O ...
Asked on 11 January 2020 by Glenn Hawkins
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UNDERSTANDING THE GYROSCOPE An improved study Introduction I was surprised to learn that there are those among us who believe that math guides mechanical action. It is the other way around. O ...
Asked on 11 January 2020 by Glenn Hawkins
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gyroscopic effect
Why is everyone on this site looking to be recognized for new ideas and perspectives, when they are so unaccepting of those that aren't theirs? I've discovered the problem with Gyroscopic propulsion a ...
Asked on 9 January 2020 by Eric Biggio
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Gamma Drive update
Hello Gyronauts, Those of you who have seen my patent (10482790) are probably asking: "What does this have to do with inertial propulsion?" Not much! until the counter-weight equipment ...
Asked on 6 January 2020 by Nate
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Happy Christmas
A guide to gyrodynamic anomalies that enable “reactionless” Impulse drive. Hi You will note that I put inverted commas around the word “reactionless” above. This is because, although there is j ...
Asked on 21 December 2019 by Nitro
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Interesting video and implication
Look at this video It is acting, moving device solely using a forced precession: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVCMZTZv3Qg My question is - theoretically if you use 2 paired gyroscopes to ...
Asked on 12 December 2019 by kristijan
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gyroscopic effect
Does anyone else have an actual explanation for what causes the gyroscopic effect? explanation, not formulation! Eric ( not Laithwait )
Asked on 10 December 2019 by Eric Biggio
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For Mr. Kidd,
Good morning Sandy. I want tell you exactly how I used your finding of a saturation condition. First I add my voice that of course, you are true and right about it. I surrounded two su ...
Asked on 24 November 2019 by Glenn Hawkins
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For Mr. Kidd, Good morning Sandy. I want tell you exactly how I used your finding of a saturation condition. First I add my voice that of course, you are true and right about it. I surrounde ...
Asked on 24 November 2019 by Glenn Hawkins
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retro gyro beauty
Looking for any manufacturer still producing small gyros with a rubber friction knurl on the axle to get her spinning (rather than string wraps) for kid's science class. Thanks RA
Asked on 21 November 2019 by Rahstaman
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How can I contact Sandy Kidd
G'Day Guys I have just seen Sandy Kidd's YouTube video and I'm so impressed and sadden at the same time. Impressed that he has been 'battling' away for years, just like I have in my efforts ...
Asked on 29 October 2019 by Nigel G.
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Center of Gravity
Is there a formula for determining the center of gravity for a spinning sphere as opposed to the center of mass
Asked on 27 September 2019 by Davrin999
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Center of Gravity
Is there a formula for determining the center of gravity for a spinning sphere as opposed to the center of mass
Asked on 27 September 2019 by Davrin999
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Centre of Gravity VS Centre of Mass
Is there a difference between Center of Gravity and Center of Mass in a gyroscope with as extremely fast spin. I have in mind a stellar body with a spin so fast that its tangential velocity at th ...
Asked on 26 September 2019 by Davrin999
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Dear Sandy, As I have been thinking, the term SHEDS centrifuge and angular momentum work fine though I said it didn’t. I do not believe gravity is lessened but that internal forces are redirected in ...
Asked on 22 September 2019 by Glenn Hawkins
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For Sandy but for all
Incredibly, I see a possibility again. I say incredibly because of uncounted attempts and failures and mechanical understandings and explanations. But I am rethinking the possibility and it is because ...
Asked on 21 September 2019 by Glenn Hawkins
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