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Asked by: Glenn Hawkins
Subject: Awakening
‘Big problem potential.’ Why I never put two and two together before disturbs me. Perhaps while a gyroscope is accelerating from zero toward its precession speed there is a rearward horizontal reaction at the string, or pedestal. If so it would be an exceedingly weak reaction, because the gyro is levered at a distant balance point and may then revolve around the point as if were balanced on a pin. Balanced in such a way, set to precess so slowly, being so lightweight, the force necessary to overcome inertial resistance horizontally is almost nothing—but not nothing. Therefore if a momentary equal and opposite reaction force, very quick and very week, were occurring against a string, or pedestal it should be difficult to notice, if it is possible to notice.

Once precession is begun powered by gravity I thank it does not produce a rearward reaction from precession, but during the acceleration I favor that it may in deed. So does Ram wonder as I wonder about this question. It doesn’t matter here. For our purposes here we can ignore this question and just remember how week a horizontal reaction there would be, if there is any.

Remembering the weakness of this reaction if there is one, let us look at and compare to those machines that revolve dual, opposing gyroscopes around a common post with the use of electric motors. Precession occurs vertically instead of horizontally, as we know, usually designed to curve upwards and inward. I think most of us believe the motor driven precession levers force downward on the post equal to the force gravity, but here is the wild idea to consider. What happens when the motor force is ten times that of gravity? Should these gyros not fling themselves upwards and inwards at near ten times the speed and power of gravity, more than ten times the downward levered force reaction on the post? The answer seems yes, but I’m not certain.

Here is the problem I mentioned. Once the gyros have accelerated above in an arch they must either come to a stop whether by design, or mutual collision. In either case I can see the force of the acceleration gained being then expended ultimate back into the frame in a way that uses the opposite sides of each gyro to torque downward on the frame negating any continued advantage of momentum upwards.

Note: What would happen if these opposing gyros were on the same platform, but revolved around separate postsin time with one another so that when each collided into a medal stop at TDC, (sorry greenies) Top Dead Center, the reaction force of each would be horizontal. What a mess Sandy. Lots of momentum would have been traveling upwards, but it is worthless unless it is used by stopping it then if you stop it the force reverses itself and ends up being up and down equal and opposite. All the force you could every want is there so long as you don’t use it.

This big revelation for me is that the observations made of a gyro precessing around a string, or pedestal under gravity is misguiding. I cannot relate that to motorized precession and then find a way to avoid equal and opposite.

I’m not going to rewrite this. Maybe it will be of interest to somebody. Come to think of it I knew this all along. I knew, but didn’t know. Does that ever happen to you?

Fair weather to you,

Date: 15 October 2007
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 07/11/2007 21:00:26
Don’t forget to Bob and Weave, Bob and Weave even when you don’t know why.

Dog gone it! I just now messed up Momentus’ statement. Maybe I am actually getting punch drunk. Maybe I'm one who's also been hit in the head by a piece of led glued to a rotating bike wheel while doing an extraordinary (is that the right word?) a fantastic experiment and just don't remember. Sandy? Did you ever see me before? Were you ever hit before? Well How do you know if you don’t remember? I don’t remember. What dose that prove? You and I cannot rely on what we don’t remember and in my case it would explain a lot of things that have been happening to me lately. Good cheers my old friend.

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