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Asked by: meydan
Subject: do you have plan-how to build human gyroscope?
Question: hi
i like to build human gyroscope i need plan and sizes for it
can anyone halp me?
thank you
meydan gavia
Date: 3 January 2005
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Jim Hare - 20/01/2005 15:27:02
 Building a human gyro requires precise engineering. The slightest imperfection can cause a “wobble” that will rapidly deteriorate the bearings and render the device un-safe.

Material selection is also vital, you need to use strong, but light weight materials, then you must consider how you bend it, as many materials lose their strength when bending and must be re-heated to recover their strength.

GyroGym has spent a tremendous amount of money and resources in designing and testing various designs. We also have built a manufacturing “Jig” to assure precise tolerances on every unit built. We have also brought the cost down to where it is less expensive to purchase, than to build yourself.


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Answer: V - 21/08/2007 11:54:32
 G jim thats great and all, but when will you actually answer meydan question? do you have the plans to build it?

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Answer: Prakash Khatiwala - 02/09/2008 20:22:21
 Hi, I am too looking for one. Can any one give names of human gyro suppliers? Ofcourse a design plans will do.
-will be willing to pay.

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Answer: Sebastian Storholm - 11/05/2009 11:28:06
 Well, it's not that hard, have a fabrication shop make 4 concentric circles out of steel tubing, preferably quite thick, in 90 degree sections (ergo, each circle in 4 identical pieces). Then you just have to come up with a way to mount the circles inside of each-other with some hefty ball bearings. The easiest way would be to weld the inner circle together in two half circle arcs with a cutout for the axle at both ends, then weld those to a long bar of axle steel (it's basically a precision machined steel rod.). Then you weld the next circle the same way, but incorporate bearing mounts into the half circle arcs. When you have made all the 4 circles, you just remove the excess axle material from the inside of the three outer circles and then just cut out the middle of the axle steel of the inner circle and mount your hip-support there.

Then you fabricate a mounting rack for the outer circle (has to be quite sturdy to hold all that steel) and foot and hand-holders for the inner circles. Some finger and toe-protection might be in order as well as some restraints.

As long as the bearings are of a high quality and kept well lubricated I wouldn't see why the weight of the materials would be much of a problem.

Do keep in mind that this is just an 5-minute-out-of-the-top-of-my-head idea, I haven't tested it and I wash my hands of any liability should you build this and manage to hurt/kill yourself/somebody else. Proceed at your own risk!

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Answer: l8te9ight - 28/11/2009 06:08:23
 Try the US Patent Office. They give pretty detailed plans with images.
Here is the link to the last patent filed.


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Answer: TAREK SALAH - 22/02/2013 15:33:22
 Hi Meydan
i have built my own gyro
if u are interested in step by step instruction
starting at design of size load and overall space
you have to do it by yourself according to your personal height and weight
the rest will come alone

do not hesitate to contact me
good luck

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Answer: TAREK SALAH - 22/02/2013 15:33:58
 Hi Meydan
i have built my own gyro
if u are interested in step by step instruction
starting at design of size load and overall space
you have to do it by yourself according to your personal height and weight
the rest will come alone

do not hesitate to contact me
good luck

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Answer: Jay Patel - 16/09/2015 13:14:14
can u help me step by step to build a gyro starting from design and how to calculate load and everything else.

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