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Asked by: Nitro
Subject: how reactionless propulsion is achieved
Laurent’s (Whoopyjump’s) YouTube video - part ten - of his gyro experiments, follows me and a very few, others in achieving genuine, *reactionless, impulse drive.

Like most of my posts, this is long. However, if you want to learn you have to study.

If you want to see a real reactionless propulsion machine, the video of Whoopyjump’s lovely little impulse propulsion machine is here:-


Remarkably Laurent does not seem to realise what he has achieved as he goes on a different path with his other gyro videos afterwards. I recommend that you all view the above video.
This question was asked below the video:-

Why do these gyros fly off the wooden holders ? Because of precession ?

I replied as follows:-

I assume by “wooden holders” you mean the brown plastic (soil drainage pipe sections, if I am not mistaken. Brilliant mechanical hack Laurent) guide arcs. And yes, it is all because of precession.
Myself (many, many years ago - pre Laithwaite), Laurent (whoopyjump) and a very few, if any, others have (without slip stick, fakery, misinterpretation, misunderstanding, lack of knowledge or downright lying) managed to make a machine move outside its starting dimension without opposite reaction (reactionless impulse drive). Laurent’s and the only other ones I have found on the web require gravity to work – mine does not so it will work in orbit. Laithwaite, after he got ruined by the Royal institute and his scientific colleagues (colleagues? Ha!) did, I believe, actually produce one too but he was by then driven, by his having been ostracised and denied access to a good scientific workshop, to using Mechano which is too heavy from which to get good clear results.

Now, with our work and after three hundred and thirty one years, it is clear that the word OPPOSITE should be dropped from Newton’s third law. The first and second laws need tweaking a bit too, but that is for later work. I am old now and have other things more important to do than rectify other peoples inability to observe – See The Royal Institution, Prof Hugh Hunt’s work at Cambridge University and Emma Watson’s shameful thesis. No, seriously, SEE THEM. They are on the web and have all been responsible for crippling research in this subject.
Health warning! The following explanation of Woopyjump’s machine No.10 will hurt your head if you have a closed mind – so, that is most of the scientists out there, I guess.
The precession caused by gravity, altering the pendulums’ gyros’ axial angle, causes the gyros to press against the guide rail in one direction of swing (because they are prevented from precessing on this stroke by the guide rails, they act like they are a non spinning mass and create a “normal Newtonian” reaction on the whole machine. This is the Newtonian stroke (NS) which causes the machines movement.

The gyros move away from the guide rail on the following reverse swing stroke due to precession and, because their reaction is ninety degrees from the driving force (gravity), on this swing they have very little reaction on the whole machine. This enables the machine to reposition its actuating mass (the gyros) without the normal reaction acting on the whole machine. Et voila, impulse drive. I was going to say “et voila, REACTIONLESS impulse drive” but, in truth *there is the normal amount of reaction – IT JUST AINT OPPOSITE!
This is due, surprise, surprise, to “Nitro’s first law” which states that “a gyro will precess every force applied to change its axial angle – not just the first force you happened to think of.” Thus, when gravity applies a force to change the axial angle of the gyro pendulum the gyro tries to move by precession at ninety degrees to that force. Hence its pressing against the guide rail in one direction of swing and moving away from the guide in the other direction of swing.

Thus the reason for Laurent’s lovely little machine’s ability to confound Newton’s third law is a further resultant of “Nitro’s first law”.
This following bit is a little more obscure, so concentrate.

To get round Newton’s third you need to alternate a Newtonian stroke (NS) with a Gyrodynamic stroke (GS). In woopyjump’s machine the GS causes the gyros to move clear of the guide rail and because a gyro has the effect of transferring its mass to its centre of support (not as believed by established science - well Hugh Hunt and Emma Wilson anyway – to rotate about a system’s barycentre) this mass movement is without (in truth some but tiny) LINEAR reaction and it positions the gyros ready for the next (NS) stroke to create movement on the whole machine.

In the NS the precession of the gyro pushes against the guide rail and you need to understand that the rail is equally pushing against the gyro. The effect of the rail pushing against the gyro is a force which is, as per “Nitro’s first law”, also therefore precessed and effectively cancels out the original gravity created precession so the gyro now acts like a non rotating “Newtonian mass” and not a “gyrodynamic (precessable) mass”.
Et Voila, as mentioned above, you have a machine that can alternate a Newtonian reaction stroke on the machine with a (mostly and effectively) reactionless gyrodynamic repositioning stroke on the machine. This is is the key to reactionless impulse drive - SIMPLES!!!
Nick M
Date: 20 June 2018
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Answers (Ordered by Date)

Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 19/07/2018 14:41:31
 This is a very compelling video, and kudos to the inventor, however I believe there is an explanation that that does not suggest propulsion. Note, when the gyros lift, they apply extra torque down on the opposite end of the shaft. Conversely when the gyros fall, they apply upward torque on the opposite ends of the shaft. The effect causes more force on the roller wheels, therefor more friction on the roller wheels during the forward thrust sequence; and conversely, lesser force, therefore lesser friction downward on the roller wheels at the rearward gyro return sequence. This I think, is another case of uneven friction to mislead the unwary.

I strongly believe this.

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Answer: Glenn Hawkins - 19/07/2018 14:57:05
 To the inventor, good morning,
You might check my explanation out in this way:Use soft rubber platform wheels. Next, you might begin increasing the hardness of the wheels, and with perhaps lighter bearing if need be. This ought to prove, or disprove my explanation.
Sincerely Glenn,

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